HPS Group Cork

- Ecobuilding
- Ireland
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HPS Group Cork
Leading insulation & construction company in Cork providing building services and suppliers of insulated uPVC windows and doors. Freephone: .

- Ecobuilding
- Spain
- Girton
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Baufritz realisiert wohngesunde Fertighaus-Holzhäuser ✔ Fertighäuser mit individueller Architektur und innovativer Umwelttechnik ▶ Lassen Sie sich begeistern!

- Ecobuilding
- Italy
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Zanzariere, tende tecniche a rullo da interni ed esterni, tapparella Orienta e tanti avvolgibili speciali, tende da sole e pergole bioclimatiche.
Franz Schneider Brakel Gmbh + Co KG

- Ecobuilding
- Germany
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Franz Schneider Brakel Gmbh + Co KG
Willkommen bei FSB, Ihrem führenden Anbieter ästhetisch und funktional hochwertiger Beschlaglösungen für Türen, Fenster und barrierefreie Sanitärausstattungen. Unsere Produkte stehen weltweit für Zuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit und bieten Ihnen die Sicherheit, die richtige Entscheidung getroffen zu haben.
Water Alliance

- Ecobuilding
- Netherlands
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Water Alliance
Home - Water Alliance
Redwell Manufaktur GmbH

- Ecobuilding
- Austria
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Redwell Manufaktur GmbH
Die Redwell Manufaktur GmbH entwickelt und produziert hochwertigste Infrarotheizungen in Österreich. Entdecken Sie die schöne Wärme!

- Ecobuilding
- Portugal
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Reduza custos ao reutilizar energia desperdiçada. Descubra as soluções sustentáveis para o aquecimento de águas do duche mais económicas.

- Ecobuilding
- Finland
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Sähkötarjoukset kätevästi netissä. Sivujemme avulla säästät jopa satoja euroja vuodessa. Klikkaa ja kokeile!
IZODOM 2000 Polska Sp. z o. o.

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- Poland
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IZODOM 2000 Polska Sp. z o. o.
Producent pustaków styropianowych do budowy domów pasywnych i energooszczędnych. Buduj tanio, szybko i bezpiecznie z nowoczesną technologią Izodom2000.

- Ecobuilding
- Spain
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Creating the next biotech cities and buildings in the world through unique technologies powered by nature. From biological batteries to bioluminescent plants and biological activators, Bioo is implementing unique biotechnologies in green and urban areas. Installing projects capable of generating electricity from nature and recovering the investment of any green zone, working as a biotechnological partner and landscaper capable of creating biotechnological marvels around the planet.
Ermetika Srl

- Ecobuilding
- Italy
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Ermetika Srl
Lasciati ispirare dalla nostra collezione di porte scorrevoli e battenti filo muro, e scopri un mondo di personalizzazioni per i tuoi spazi.
Cradle to Cradle

- Ecobuilding
- Germany
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Cradle to Cradle
Cradle to Cradle Certified Products | Eco-friendly Products | Circular Economy | Building Healthy | Healthy Materials | Ecological Products

- Ecobuilding
- Belgium
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Zonwerende raamfolie van Umisol houdt uw gebouw fris in de zomer en isoleert het in de winter. Ontdek onze unieke oplossing!
Raimund Beck KG Wire Staples Company

- Ecobuilding
- Austria
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Raimund Beck KG Wire Staples Company
BECK Fastening verbindet – Beck bietet höchste Qualität, besondere, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und innovative Systeme für die komplexen Herausforderungen in der Befestigungstechnik.
Advantage Austria

- Ecobuilding
- Austria
- Wien
- London
- SW7 2QA
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Advantage Austria
ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA is the trade promotion organisation of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber.
Inndox Pty Ltd


- Ecobuilding
- Germany
- Caddington
- Bedfordshire
- LU1 4FF
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STEICO - Engineered by nature
4Silence BV

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- Netherlands
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4Silence BV
Home - 4Silence
KLH Massivholz GmbH

- Ecobuilding
- Austria
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KLH Massivholz GmbH
KLH ist Pionier in der Herstellung von großformatigen Massivholzplatten, das für Wände, Decken und als Dachelement eingesetzt wird.
Portal of Sustainable Construction - PSC

- Ecobuilding
- Portugal
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Portal of Sustainable Construction - PSC
O Portal de Construção Sustentável é destinado a profissionais da construção e ao público em geral. Descubra os ecoprodutos sustentáveis.
Skamol A/S

- Ecobuilding
- Denmark
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Skamol A/S
Skamol provides various insulation systems for a wide range of applications within building and industry.
Pure Eco Homes

- Ecobuilding
- Australia
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Pure Eco Homes
Building Passive House Principles, Eco Sustainable Super Energy Efficient Homes in Melbourne the modern way since 2010. Check out our reviews, then make the call.